Character plans
These plans are designed to help you develop your characters. We offer plans to help you interview your characters, define their needs, and generally get to know them better. Understanding your characters will help you write authentic stories and create characters your readers care about.
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Detailed character profile
This character profile is lengthy but it will certainly help you get to know your character better.

Character sketch
This character sketch plan is by Karen. S. Weisner, who devised ‘First Draft in 30 Days’.

Character blueprint
This simple plan prompts you for the basic details you need when creating characters.

Jeff's Character Plan
A great set of one-word prompts to help you get to know your characters.

Short character profile
This profile is useful to define key details about minor characters.

Proust Character Questionnaire
Imagine you are your character and answer this famous personality questionnaire.

Character archetypes
An archetype is character type that repeats regularly. These archetypes are based on Jung’s work.

Character qualities (Syd Field)
A quick way to define the qualities needed in a strong central character.

Snowflake Method character plan
A character plan by the creator of the Snowflake Method.